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Uniform hats 1950s (winter and summer)
Summer uniform mid 1950s. This uniform was donated by Hanneke Staat
Uniform 1957 - 1962. The hat was donated by Christine de Groot-Brusse
Uniform 1962 - 1967. Same as the 1957 - 1962 uniform, but with a new style hat
Uniform hat, blouse and one of the many different serving garments "casaque" 1967 - 1971
Uniform 1971 - 1975
Several uniforms were donated by and in memory of Estrelita Menalda van Schouwenburg
Winter uniform 1975 - 1982. Donated by Yola van der Horst - Steensma
Special wing badge for Assistant Pursers. Donated by Yola van der Horst - Steensma
Summer uniform 1975 - 1982
Uniform 1982 - 1990
Uniform 1990 - 2010
Current uniform
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